They say that “when the going gets tough, the tough get going” and that’s exactly what Bubble Tap Trailer did when the COVID-19 stay at home order hit. With all upcoming events canceled indefinitely, Bubble Tap Trailer had to find a new way to do business. They called their favorite ice cream truck, CVT Soft Serve, and their friends at Tasty Box Pasta and The Six Chow House with an idea to take their goods to the streets, neighborhood streets to be exact. Block Party Pop Up is a collaborative effort between Bubble Tap Trailer, CVT Soft Serve, Tasty Box Pasta, and The Six Chow House. The four vendors “pop up” in different locations around town and deliver dinner and dessert to family-friendly neighborhoods across Los Angeles. Block Party Pop Up offers families across LA something fun to look forward to at the end of a monotonous week and is a way for neighbors to reconnect in a safe environment.
Click here to learn more about Organizing Block Party Pop Up